Thank you for getting “Mining WSO Gold.”

Step 1: You are here because you got Buford Mobley’s “WSO Street Cred” Product. Thank you. If you did not provide an email address that you can check, you will need to go back to the registration page and enter en email address that you can check.

Step 2: Check your email for your initial passcode to watch the videos. If you don’t see it, check your spam folder. If you still don’t see it, please send an email to letting us know you need it. Include the Paypal email address used for purchase and the transaction ID so we can verify your status as a customer.

In the Modules Section, you’ll find all the video tutorials covering in great detail everything you need to know to do a WSO launch using WarriorPlus. You can use other affiliate networks, and many of the details will still apply.

We recommend you watch the videos in order. A couple of the videos have documentation downloadable from the same page. You’ll also find the documents in the Resources Section.

The videos require a passcode to watch. Once entered on each video, if you have cookies enabled on your computer, you will not need to enter them again unless we change the passcode or you clear your cookies.

Step 3: Download the two overview documents below. One is a PDF detailing the WarriorPlus listing process. The other is an overview cheat sheet that you can use as a master list for your launch.

Download the WSO Set Up Guide

Download the WSO Launch Cheat Sheet

Step 4: Click here to get started and access the first Video Module. To the left of each Module you will see a list of all other Modules.

Thanks again! Enjoy! Let us know how we may be of assistance.

– Martha Mayo, Ed Akehurst and Ed Mercer

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