Sign Up For 100% Commissions on the front end and 50% on the back!
Provide your email address below and be entered in our fast action bonus and get a review copy sent to you the day before launch.
Affiliate Contest – We are giving away $200
We are giving a $100 bonus to the first affiliate to reach 20 sales!
We are giving a $100 bonus to the top affiliate (minimum 20 sales)- first 5 days (ends Friday, December 30th at Noon Eastern.
NOTE: Product starts at $4.50 and rises every three sales, so the early promoters will have the best chance of winning these bonuses.
OK, I’m in! What do I need to do?
Step 2:
Promote at exactly 12 Noon Eastern Time, Monday December 26th. This is a dimesale – early sales will be for a lower amount, but will help win one or both of the two $100 bonuses.
Step 3:
Offer a bonus for buying through your link. Want more sales than your competing affiliates? Offer your customers a bonus for buying through your link. Just have them email you their PP receipt and send them a DL link to your bonus. You can make a killing this way!
Learn from the best! The leaders and winners of the affiliate contests almost always offer a bonus to there list for buying through them.
How to promote…?
…Make a blog post, email your subscribers, put a link on your website, or use PPC or other advertising methods. (Do NOT Spam!)
Mail twice (or thrice)!!!! Once when it goes live and once the next day. If you really want to boost your results, do a prelaunch email the day before letting them know the time so they can take advantage of the low starting price.
Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 based on 299 user reviews.